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history, knit together

Knitting has, over long centuries and spanning the entire globe, been used to create and sustain cultural traditions.  It has also been used, in various ways, to sustain the lives of the people from those diverse and varied areas.  It is a bond between generations and a direct connection to the past; whether an Irish Fisherman's sweater, a baby blanket, or a bride's veil that can be passed through her spouse's ring these traditions are still as active and alive today as they were ages ago.

About This Site


This website is intended as a tribute to the traditions that have sustained and captured generations of knitters worldwide.  It is both a labor of love and part of a course project requirement for Northern Virginia Community College, Public History and Historic Preservation Program, HIS 218 Digital History.


If you have patterns and/or traditions you would care to share please use the contact page and let me know!  I'd love to have this grow into a resource for anyone curious about the traditions that are so intrinsic to knitting.


No copyright or heritage violation is intended.  Should you find something that is mislabeled or misrepresented, please use the contact page to pass along the information and the issue will be sorted.

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