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Cuddle Time, with Thanks to Connie Neall


SIZE—28 x 34 Inches.


MATERIALS—SPINNERIN QUICK KNIT 8 skeins; 1 pair 14-inch Knitting Needles No. 8; 3 yards 2-inch satin ribbon for binding.


GAUGE—5 sts. = 1 inch. 7 rows = 1 inch. Accurate gauge is essential.


PATTERN—Row 1—*K4, P4, repeat from * to end of row. Rows 2-3-4—Same as Row 1. Row 5—*P4, K4, repeat from * to end of row. Rows 6-7-8—Same as Row 5. Repeat these 8 rows throughout for pattern.


Cast on 136 sts. and work in pattern for 34 inches. Without stretching, bind off all sts. loosely, knitting the K sts. and purling the P sts.


FINISHING—Bind entire afghan with satin ribbon, mitering corners.

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