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Sleep Time, with Thanks to Nadine Oppenheim


SIZE: 26 x 32 ins.


MATERIALS: SPINNERIN Moth-Proofed WHIRL-KNIT 8 2-oz. Skeins 
1 Pr 14-in Knitting Needles No. 10 

3½ yds 2-in Satin Ribbon for Binding


GAUGE: 4 sts = 1 in; 11 rows = 2 ins

Important: Accurate gauge is absolutely essential.


PATTERN: Rows 1 thru 4: *K4, P4, repeat from * to end of row.

Rows 5 thru 8: *P4, K4, repeat from * to end of row.

Repeat these 8 rows for pattern.


Cast on 104 sts and work in pattern for 32 ins or desired length.

Bind off loosely, knitting the K sts and purling the P sts.


FINISHING: Bind entire cover with satin ribbon, mitering corners.

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