Fan and Feather, with thanks to Stephanie Lundey
Approximately 68 inches by 23 inches
MATERIALS — Bear Brand or Fleisher's Glow-Knit, 6 skeins for Stole; 2 skeins for Fringe.
Bucilla Plastic Needles, 1 pair Size 10.
KNITTED GAUGE: 1 pattern = 4¼ inches
side as to k.
wrongRepeat last 6 rows until 66 ins. from beg., end with pat. row 5. Bind off
Row 6—K 2, p to within 2 sts of end, k 2.
Row 2—K 5, * p 11, k 6; repeat from *, end p 11, k 5. K next 3 rows.
Row 1—right side—K 2; then k 2 tog. 3 times, * yo and k 1, 5 times, yo; then k 2 tog. 6 times; repeat from *, end last repeat k 2 tog. 3 times, k 2; 89 sts.
Cast on 89 sts, k 3 rows.
Pat. requires a multiple of 17 plus 4 sts.fromPin out to given measurements, and block.
FRINGE—Wind yarn over 8-in. cardboard, cut at one end. Knot 8 strands in every 3rd st on both short ends of stole. Trim fringe evenly. Steam.