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Carriage Cover, with Thanks to Connie Neall


5 skeins Knitting Worsted, Orlon Sayelle or Wintuk blue (2 oz. skein) 
4 skeins Knitting Worsted, Orlon Sayelle or Wintuk grey (2 oz. skein) 
1 pair knitting needles No. 8, 14inch. long 
1 circular knitting needle No. 8.


GAUGE: 5 sts. = 1 inch


MEASURES: 29 x 33 inch.


CARRIAGE COVER: With No. 8 needles cast on 143 sts. and work in pattern until piece measures 32 inch. Bind off.


1st row (right side) grey: K across row 
2nd row grey: K across row

3rd row blue: K1 * slip 1 (yarn in back of work), K4 repeat from * across row end slip 1, K1 
4th row blue: K1, slip 1 (yarn in front of work) * P1, K3, slip 1 repeat from * across row end slip 1, P1
5th row grey: K1 * K4, slip 1 (yam in back of work), repeat from * across row end slip 1, K2 
6th row grey: P2 * slip 1 (yarn in front of work), K3, P1 repeat from * across row end P2 
7th row blue: Work as 3rd row 
8th row blue: Work as 4th row 
9th and 10th row grey: K across row 

11th row blue: K1 * K2, slip 1 (yarn in back of work), K2 repeat from * across row end K4 
12th row blue: K2 * K1, P1, slip 1 (yarn in front of work), K2 repeat from * across row end K3 
13th row grey: K1 * K3, slip 1 (yarn, in back of work), K1 repeat from * across row end K3 
14th row grey: K2 * K1, slip 1 (yarn in front of work), P1, K2 repeat from * across row end K3
15th row blue: Work as 11th row 
16th row blue: Work as 12th row 
Repeat these 16 rows for pattern.


Edging: Right side facing you pick up and K with blue and No. 8 circular needle starting on cast on row 143 sts., slip a marker in corner st., pick up and K 151 sts. along the
other side of cover. Do not join. Work back and forth in garter st. and incr. 1 st. before and after each marker and at the beg. and end of row every other row 5 times. Bind off. Sew open corner sts. tog. Block to size.


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