Coverlette, with thanks to Sonya Petrov
MATERIALS: Warmth without weight, is the idea with this new carriage cover. Interesting to knit and quick too, with Beehive Caressa, the wool used to check these instructions. In order to be completely satisfied with the finished article, do be sure to use Beehive Caressa. You will need:—8 (2oz.) skeins. Two No. 4 Beehive KnitÂting Needles.
MEASUREMENTS: Approx. 31 ins. x 36 ins.
Tension: 4 sts. = 1 inch and 11 rows = 2 ins. in Stocking st.
Cast on 126 sts. Knit 7 rows Garter st. (plain knitting every row). Proceed:—
. K8. Repeat from * to last 14 sts. Cross purlways16th row: K12. *Cross
15th row: K5. P7. *K2. P8. Repeat from * to last 14 sts. K2. P7. K5.
. K12.. K1. P6. Repeat from * to last 5 sts. K5.
Work 13th and 14th rows twice. These 20 rows complete one patÂtern.
Work 8 more complete patterns then first 10 rows of next pattern. Knit 8 rows Garter st. Cast off. Press lightly., K7.
Work 3rd and 4th rows twice, then 1st. and 2nd rows once.
13th row: K11. *P1. K2. P1. K6. Repeat from * to last 5 sts. K5.
14th row: K5. P6. *K1. Crosspurlways K8. Repeat from * to last 9 sts. Cross 6th row: K7. *Cross manner. Slip both sts. off needle together. The working of 2 sts. in this manner will be termed "Cross usual
5th row: K5. P2. *K2. P8. Repeat from * to last 9 sts. K2. P2. K5.
. K1. P1. K5.left handpurlwayspurlwayspurlways" throughout. K1. P6. Repeat from * to last 10 sts. K1. Cross needle in . Purl 1st. st. on needle needle. Purl this st. but do not slip off left hand needle from right to left through the front of the 2nd st. on right hand4th row: K5. P1. *K1. Having wool at front of work, insert point
3rd row: K6. *P1. K2. P1. K6. Repeat from * to end of row.
2nd row: K5. Purl to last 5 sts. K5.
1st row: Knit.ofpurlwayspurlways